VOZ’Image, Paris
Demurez Cover Arts, Vienna ☎ +43 65 02 89 62 60
Brandenburg: Vevais Kustfabrik, Galerie Vevais
Holland: Unlimited Grain Gallery
All Rights Reserved.
After graduating with a Master's degree in English Literature in her native Hungary, Paula Goddard ran an independent book shop that regularly hosted established and up-coming writers and poets from across the country. Paula edited and published an anthology of poetry, travelled Europe, taught English to children and government advisors, married, published articles in literary journals and reviews in a national broadsheet, before moving to her husband's native UK, where she was the Hungarian cable news channel's London correspondent, and where she discovered photography.
A year of self-portraits and abstractions of the foreign city lead to a formal offer of a place on the photography course of the London School of Printing. Paula immediately became pregnant with her first child, and as pregnancy and developing fluids do not mix, she had to withdraw from the course. She and her family moved to Cologne, then back to London, and eventually back to Hungary. After her second child began playschool, Paula spent her miraculous new free time with her camera, making up for her lack of freedom with digital post-production. In these past few years, Paula has had two solo exhibitions, had her work featured in a number of well-respected magazines, and begun selling both commercial rights and fine art prints.
She plans to continue to explore the visual imagination and image, to take her work in ever-newer directions.
Illustration for the Russian edition of Psychologies magazine.
Featured in Adore Chroma magazine.
My work is now being sold by the Duncan Miller Gallery in Santa Monica via their Your Daily Photograph service.
My work is being exhibited between 18 and 21 June at Art Vilnius.
Published in Le Monde
I am now officially represented by The Unlimited Grain Gallery.
Honoured to be amongst fantastic artists such as Jacqueline Roberts, Mirjam Appelhof, Alex Timmermans and Deborah Parkin to name but a few .
Two photographs enetered into France's PHOTO Magazine’s annual Plus Grand Concours Photo du Monde, an international photography competition with more than 50,000 entries. Honoured that both photographs made the finals, and one was selected as a winner. They will be offering prints of the photographs on their website.
A picture in BLUR Magazine's epecial edition Free Gallery 2013 (downloaded 60,000 times in the first ten days).
My picture is Photo Of The Day in SEEANCE Video Art Magazin — thank you, Seeance editors!
Featured in Blur Magazine issue 34.
My images appear as full page and centerfold in both French and Belgian editions of Psychologies Magazine, via . Voz Images
I have been invited to contribute three tutorials to the next 1x Tutorial Book!
Interviewed on Glossom.
My work is featured in issue 4.2 of SQUARE Magazine: download or view on ISSUU.
A whole page in France's L'Express!
Featured in Issue 31 of Blur Magazine.
Small interview with me in Savvy Design Magazine.
Month-long solo exhibition at Gödöllő House Of The Arts, Művészetek Háza.
Featured artist on www.glossom.com, "a platform for creators and artists."
Featured in 180 Magzine.
One of the winners of France's PHOTO Magazine’s Plus Grand Concours Photo du Monde, an international photography competition with more than 50,000 entries. They offer prints of the photograph on their website.
My work will be exhibited in Budapest between September 25 and October 24, 2012, at Café Vian